In the content tab, you have the option to pull the trigger on your content.

Content: Here you can select your product type like recent, featured, or any specific category and define the number of products and also order them accordingly. You can turn ON Add to cart button and description as well.

Carousel Settings: From here you can choose the number of items to display on a specific device like desktop, tablet, and mobile. 

Here you will also find a list of options as YES/NO selection. If you would like to have that particular option, you can Keep the toggle as YES or You can turn that off by keeping it to NO. Here are some details on those options-

Multi-slide: Multi-slide will allow you to slide through all of your display product at a time.

Item Spacing: You can control the space between products of your carousel with this.

Transition duration: Transition duration is the length of time in milliseconds (ms) a transition effect takes to complete.

Center Slide: Center Slide will allow a product to stay always in the center. You will see this option working when you have an even number of items showing on the device. 

Loop: Loop allows carousel items to continually repeat for an infinite time. 

Autoplay: Autoplay will allow the carousel to run automatically. You can define the speed of Auto play and use pause on hover.

Arrow navigation: It will show the arrows Back and Forward button on your carousel. You can scroll with it.

Dot Navigation: Dot Navigation is vertical side navigation for scrolling the carousel. You can align dot navigation according to your need.

Equal Height product: Equal height product will make you each item(product) equal in height. You might not see an effect after turning it ON. Give the Background to see it in action.

Vertical Align: If you are not using an equal height product you can align your product in top, center, and bottom.

Slide Effect: Slide effect allows you two effects to choose from. One is default one named slide and another is cover flow (popular as 3D effect name). Cover Flow is an animated, three-dimensional graphical user interface.

Tips: Cover flow works great with center slide and loop ON. 

You can use the rotate option to set the angle of your cover flow. You also have an option to use shadow on it. 

Background: Here you can choose a background color as well as background gradient color.

Admin Label: By default, your product carousel module will appear with a label that reads ‘Product Carousel’ in the builder. The Admin Label allows you to change this label for easy identification.